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YOU are making an impact for the Kingdom of God!

Watch where YOUR gift to our ministries is bringing people hope, joy, and love:

Designate a Gift to One of Our Ministry Areas:

Small Group Bible Studies & Gatherings

Support our in-person and virtual gatherings that connects Todd with people in their 20's and 30's in Atlanta and other cities with how to approach the Bible, God, and Christianity in our culturally diverse world.


Kids Music & Art

Support our Kids' Ministries and the Hoyt Family Fund. These in-person ministry events help Preschoolers to 3rd Graders have access to new ways to express themselves, make new friends, and think about God through music and art.


Podcast & Resource Ministry

Support our digital ministries. Meredith and Todd are able to connect high school students, college students, 20-Somethings and Young Families with messages of hope and purpose in Christ for their everyday life. 


Annual Budget

Support ALL of our ongoing, monthly ministry efforts. 343 Ministries has an annual matching grant of $25,000. When you contribute to this fund, your donation is matched 100% by generous friends of 343 Ministries. 


Meal Kits for Kids in Need

Support children who are experiencing food insecurity in Atlanta. Donate to this designated fund to contribute food for one of our meal packing events as we partner with Atlanta Mission. These events raise awareness for kids and families in our community about the needs of so many in Atlanta.


At 343 Ministries, we are helping people to be the church right where they are. We're inviting YOU to partner with us in this pursuit of following God to impact ALL our communities for the better.


Giving to God is a joyful response for all He has done for us. God has given us the gift of life through His Son Jesus Christ. He has invited us into a new kind of life that will truly make a difference right where we live.


As God helps us to grow in our spiritual lives, we learn to become abundant givers like He is. Giving abundantly of ourselves to help others is what God invites us to do. Let's do this together!

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