Why Does Christmas Matter?
Dear Friends,
Now that the torn wrapping paper is thrown away and the candlelight has dimmed, the surprises have been revealed and the celebrations of Christmas have come to a close, we have to ask ourselves, ‘why?’
‘Why Jesus?’ We know to celebrate His birth. We know He is the ‘reason for the season.’ We know that the wisemen brought gifts and the shepherds went and told the world...We love the gifts and the music and the warm feeling of being together with those we love around a table or a tree or a fire. But what difference does Jesus really make in our lives?
Have you considered the why of Jesus for your right now? The life we have in Christ starts now—not next week at a church service or when we die, but right now. It’s not about rules and attendance or about just being a good person.
Jesus allows us to reconnect with the God that made us and designed us perfectly as a part of His plan to bring hope to the world. The fulfillment that comes from following the ways of Christ and discovering our unique purpose is truly different than anything else we can find in the world. In connecting with other like-minded Christ followers, we get to experience God’s Grace in a dynamic way. As we love others the way Jesus did our lives become hopeful, joyful, whole.
'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' (John 10:10) This does not mean in heaven some day, but right now!
So what does Jesus mean for you today, now that the celebrating is done? Is He the connection point for you to find others to share life with? Is He the one that brings you the freedom and hope you need as you face a new year or old challenges? Is He the one compelling you to reach out to someone that needs a bit of light, or hope, or love in a tangible way?
Don’t wait! Don’t put it off till next week or next service. Lay aside those preconceived notions of Christianity and ask God to show you this new way, this new life in Christ that is right now. Seek Him out. Be open to the answers He may bring to you in prayer or in life right in front of your eyes.
Jesus isn’t just the reason for the season. Jesus is the reason for ALL the seasons of our lives. This is why we feel compelled to help the next generation connect with the God that loves them! There is nothing more important than finding a way to effectively share the hope of Christ so those far from God can find Him.
Will you consider partnering with us in this pursuit? Friends have offered a matching gift for the end of 2018 to encourage the 343 family to invest in the future of the next generation. Let’s be bold in pursuing God’s dreams for our lives, each and every day. Give to 343's Year-End Match!
Thank you for joining us on this journey!
Merry Christmas!
Meredith & Todd