God Cares

“This poor man called and the LORD heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.” Psalm 34:6-7
God cares for me. He hears me. He delivers me from trouble, fear, anxiety, and disappointment. I cannot say that about everyone I know. But I can say it confidently in how I have experienced God. The Lord has always cared for me. Of course, I see it more clearly when I think of how Jesus gave up His life for me and my sins on the cross. But even in everyday moments, God has always listened to my problems. I may not have always seen Him or felt His presence in the moment, but when I have called on Him, as David did, He has always been there for me. He has brought me a peace in my life like no one else and nothing else could. This has been my experience of God. It was David’s too, and it can be yours.
Ask God to listen to you… to help you… to rescue you… maybe simply to just show up today so that you know He’s still there. Then wait… wait for Him to respond to you. Don’t rush Him. He’s working. He’s always working for your good. He wants you to see His goodness working in your life. He is pursuing you even if you cannot feel Him or see Him. His response may not be as bright and obvious as a lightning bolt in the sky or as quick in response as a text message, but it will come. It will come at the right time, and it will be in a way you can understand that it is from Him and Him alone.