New In January
Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a great Thanksgiving, spending time with family and friends. We are thankful for each of you! We were able to spend time with both of our families. And Henry is just about walking on his own. We are getting ready for everything to change again! It's amazing how quickly he has grown. It is almost hard to keep up!
I have to consider, as a parent, what Henry's faith experience will look like as he grows. When I hear statistics about the next generation and how there are fewer and fewer who are interested in church, to be honest, I am not surprised. Research and statistics show that our culture's perspective on spiritual life has shifted dramatically in recent years. I often wonder if the church will be able to recapture this generation's interest.
However, when three people in this next generation express to you their honest desire for spiritual life, you listen. When they stand up and take action, you know that God is moving!
I'm excited to share that God is opening a door to create a place for people in their 20’s on Sunday evenings to experience spiritual life in a different way. Actually, it's not much different from how the early church experienced spiritual life…community, food, and a place to pause and hear about God.
I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to be part of this new movement as it takes shape this January! Meredith and I are committed to reaching the next generation. For many of us "church" feels like a haven in which to grow and connect. Others feel "the church" is an institution that does not understand them and has not adapted to help them on their spiritual journey. We want to change that.
We’re helping people experience spiritual life that works.
We're hoping you will help us to spread the word. #GivingTuesday, November 28, is a great opportunity for us to do that. Our goal is to have 300 people participate by giving any amount to 343 Ministries. Will you consider giving $34.30 and asking a friend to do the same? Let's spread the excitement!
Incredibly hopeful with you!